Delusional Misidentification Syndrome terms

Self-identifiers only. All are exclusive to psychotics unless stated otherwise. Not medically recognized or used.

Created with the intent to reduce distress when talking about delusions.

Button 1, person: Capgras, Fregoli, intermetamorphasis, subjective doubles, mirrored-self, and reduplicative paramnesia delusion.

Button 2, script: [Somatic] Cotard's delusion, Clinical Lycanthropy, Endelity

Button 3, heart: delusional companion syndrome, and similar non-DMS terms

Button 4, question mark: misc. psychosis terms

Button 5, paw: alterhuman terms inclusive of Clinical Lycanthropes

Button 6: Endels & Misidentifiers discord server invite

All coined by babydog/Xenethes, 11/11/21. No credit required if used.

Capgras, Fregoli, intermetamorphasis, subjective doubles, mirrored-self, reduplicative paramnesia:

Subduvit: [”sub-duu-vee”] noun. Latin words for replaced, impostor, life. The impostor or replacement of another person or an animal which is not the original.
EX: “My partner is my subduvit.” “My cat is a subduvit of the original.”

Subdumort: [”sub-duu-more”] noun. Latin words for replaced, impostor, death. The impostor or replacement of an object which is not the original.
EX: “My collector’s item is a subdumort.”

Subduo: [”sub-duu-oa”] noun. Latin words for replaced, impostor, two. The impostor double of the self or doppelganger.
EX: “My subduo lives in the mirror.” “There is a subduo of me somewhere.”

Intermetamorphasis only: these terms can also apply to the person, animal, or item which one has taken on the identity of.

[somatic] Cotard's, clinical Lycanthropy, Endelity:

Necrosomatic: [”neck-roe-so-mat-tic”] noun, adjective. Greek word for dead, and somatic to mean body. A physical body or person which is dead or dying.
EX: “I’m necrosomatic. My friend is a necrosomatic too.”

Necrodomic: (necrodomes plural:) [”neck-roe-doe-mick”] adjective. Greek words for dead, structure. An organ or blood which is dead or missing.
EX: “My liver is necrodomic. I have a necrodomic-liver.” “My organs are all necrodomes, I’m hollow inside.” “My arm is necrodomic.”

Ectosomatic: [”eck-toe-soe-mat-tic”] noun, adjective. Ecto- from ectoplasm, to refer to a paranormal/metaphysical body’s closest thing to physicality, and somatic to mean body. *A metaphysical, paranormal, spiritual, or otherwise non-physical body.
EX: “I’m Ectosomatic, like a ghost!”

Occuesthesic: (occuesthesia formal:) [”ock-yew-ess-thesch-ick”] adjective. Occupy and suffix -esthesic to mean feeling or sensation. The feeling [or act] of possessing a corpse, or being dead and possessed.
EX: “I’m occuesthesic. My occuesthesia makes me feel dead and possessed.”

Ilmortal: [”ill-morr-tal”] noun. Prefix il- to mean no and mortal. A body or person which has never been alive, and will never be alive; not even born alive.
EX: “I haven’t been alive this whole time, I’m ilmortal.”

Katabasic: [”catt-ah-base-ick”] adjective. From Katabasis, a person’s journey to the underworld and back, from Grecko-Roman myth. To describe a person who was dead and revived through the way of necromancy; a re-animated corpse.
EX: “One of my friends is katabasic.”

Revemun: [”rev-ehh-munn”] noun, adjective. From revenant meaning an undead corpse, and mundane. A body who has died and was brought back through resuscitation or another non-magical way, leaving them feeling Undead.
EX: “Yes Im a revemun. Specifically, a revemun necrosomatic.”

Nixend: [”nicks-end”] noun. Nix meaning nothing, and the suffix -end to mean end. A person who has never existed at all.
EX: “I have never existed, therefore I am a nixend.”

Ilcaro: [”ill-carr-oe”] noun. Prefix il- to mean no and Latin’s caro to mean flesh. A body which is not alive because it is not of flesh and bone.
EX: “I’m an ilcaro doll.”


Morphshift[ing]: [”morf-shift”] verb. Morph to refer to the body, and shift. The act of transforming, being in the middle of, or stuck in a physical transformation; not fully transformed into one’s final form.
Antonym: Remorphshift
EX: “I’m stuck in a morphshift, half-way to full Lycanthropy.” “I’m morphshifting tonight.” “Last night I morphshifted into a Khajiit.”
|Not to be used by p-shifters, or p-shifting groups; exclusive to somatic delusional individuals.|

Trumorph: [”troo-morf”] noun.
True, and morph to refer to the body. A physical body which has been fully transformed, and is now in it’s true form. A physical body which has always been nonhuman or alterhuman.
EX: “I’m a trumorph, my species is feline. I’m physically a cat.”
[Intermetamorphasis only: trumorph can also apply to the person or animal which one has taken on the identity of.]*
|Not to be used by p-shifters, or p-shifting groups; exclusive to somatic delusional individuals.|

delusional companion syndrome:

None of these terms are exclusive to people who live with delusional companion syndrome. All can be used by any beholders, whether mental illness is a factor in their beholdership or not.

Please also check out @awkwardlycan and @build-a-buddy ‘s POSIC spectrum!

Beholder: [”bee-hold-err”] noun. A person who experiences object sapience, or otherwise communicates with sapient objects. A beholder does not have to have any main companions to experience beholdership.
EX: “I’m a beholder to my companions, my beholdership allows me to communicate with them.”
Coined officially here, but inspired by the POSIC+ community.

Emcom: [”ehm-comm”] noun. Prefix em- from empathy (related to e- prefix), com from communication. Empathetic communication; one of the ways a companion may communicate with their beholder.
EX: “We communicate through emcom. My companion empathetically communicated with me.”

Telcom: [”Tehll-comm”] noun. Prefix tel- from telepathy, com from communication. Telepathic communication; one of the ways a companion may communicate with their beholder.
EX: “We communicate through telcom. My companion telepathically communicated with me.”

Audcom: [”odd-comm”] noun. Prefix aud- from auditory, com from communication. Auditory or verbal communication; one of the ways a companion may communicate with their beholder.
EX: “We communicate through audcom. My companion verbally or auditorily communicated with me.”
|Audcom may be exclusive to DCS or psychosis (auditory hallucinations.)|

[Main] companion: [”com-pan-yunn”] noun. A sapient object; which a beholder has a bond with.
EX: “My companion and I like to hang out.”

Mass-Companion: ["mass-com-pan-yunn"] noun. An object which is percieved as sapient by a large group of people rather than an individual beholder.
EX: A companion item which is said to have spiritual or supernatural powers, or is otherwise perceived as sapient by a large group of people. A mass-companion may have had a beholder at some point, but by the time they are a mass-companion, they are unlikely to have a beholder. A mass companion may be called a haunted or possessed object by non-POSIC people.

Passive companion: [”pass-iv com-pan-yunn”] noun. A partially sapient object, or an object which a beholder has a brief connection or communication with.
EX: “I said hello to a passive companion today in the store, but I did not adopt them.”

Stasis: [”stay-sis”] verb. A companion who’s gone into a very deep, freezing sleep-like state; similar to cryogenesis. A companion who is in stasis may be in storage. It is unknown where companions go during stasis or what happens to their consciousness, but they have the ability to wake up whenever they feel is right.
EX: “One of my companions is still in stasis, they just came out of storage.”
Coined officially here, but inspired by the POSIC+ community.

Hoarde: [”hord”] noun. Horde to mean group of people or animals, and hoard to reference hoarding companions, which is common among DCS. A collective-like group consisting of a beholder and their companion(s); this is not a system, but there may be system-like qualities to the hoarde.
If a beholder is part of a hoarde, they may have a “you get me, you get them too”-type attitude. Their companions are deeply, deeply connected to them, and their life could not be the same without their companions. The beholder acts as a translator and guide to their companions. If DCS is involved, the beholder’s companions may be linked to “hearing voices in their head.” A hoarde can be small, consisting of a beholder and 1 companion, or many companions. Not every beholder-companion relationship is a hoarde. Similar to systems, a hoarde may use a collective name.
EX: “I’m part of a hoarde with 3 companions.”

alterhuman+ language inclusive of Clinical Lycanthropes:

Perceived as human-bodied: A person or creature which is perceived by some others as being physically human-bodied.
Examples: Humans, alterhumans, clinical lycanthropes, other physically-identifying people, and featherless bipeds /ref /j
Abbreviation: PAHB
Recognized as human-bodied: A person or creature which is perceived by some others as being physically human-bodied. (RAHB)
Examples: Humans, alterhumans, clinical lycanthropes, other physically-identifying people

Physically-identifying person/creature: A person or creature who identifies physically as their nonhuman/alterhuman identity’s species, instead of identifying physically as being human-bodied. A physically-identifying person/creature is perceived as human-bodied, and is human-passing.
Abbreviation: PIP or PIC
Examples: Clinical lycanthropes, some alterhumans

Physically nonhuman person/creature: A person or creature which identifies physically as something nonhuman, but who is perceived as human-bodied. When used in this context, there MUST be “person” or “creature” attached to the end, otherwise it will be unclear if the speaker is referring to a bio-animal.
Abbreviation: PNHP/PNHC
Examples: Clinical lycanthropes, some alterhumans

Human-passing: A person or creature which physically “passes” as being human-bodied. A human-passing person or creature is forced to participate in human societies.
Examples: Humans, alterhumans, clinical lycanthropes

Bio-[species]: Prefix. Refers to a nonhuman animal or creature which was born as, and is perceived by others as their physical species and identity. A bio-animal is not sapient, and cannot be perceived by others as being human-bodied in any way. Bio-animals are unable to participate in human societies other than being kept as pets or companions to humans or people perceived as human.
Examples: Dogs, cats, horses, etc


Not self identifiers or identities. Created with the intent to be inclusive of clinical lycanthropes and other physically-identifying people, as well as making discussion about them easier. If used, do not credit me as the coiner, instead just link to definitions. Not created with the intent to replace currently-existing terms, not created with the intent to create new communities surrounding these words, and not created with the intent to be exclusive to clinical lycanthropes.


Schizostem, syschotis, syschosis: [”skit-zoh-stemm”, “sis-kott-ick”, “sis-koe-sis”] noun. Schizo-spec+system, system+psychotic. A system which is caused by/formed from psychosis, or system-like symptoms which is caused by psychosis.
A syschotic may feel like they don’t belong in system-spaces or that their system isn’t “real.” A syschotic may feel like they are in an identity crisis at times. A syschotic’s headmates may be linked to “hearing voices;” the voices may develop into headmates over time.
EX: “I’m in a schizostem.” “I’m the host of a syschotis.” “My system is syschotic.”